January 30, 2010

Knitting for Charity

I've always appreciated knitting/crocheting... always wished that I could do it.  To be honest I've never tried.  When I saw this charity that was asking for 8"x8" knitted/crocheted squares so they could make blankets for children in Africa, I had to pass the info along.

 Knitting for Charity Website

Quoting the website:
"Ronda visited us in 2008. She told us of the scale of the disaster facing so many children in South Africa today who are imperiled by the twin issues of HIV/AIDS and poverty. She explained she often gave out blankets to children as she drove around Johannesburg, and of her frustration; too many children, too few blankets.
Many of these children are orphaned or have been abandoned. Many live in great poverty in shack settlements. Some head up families of their siblings together with other children and some live alone, without shelter, in hills and dumps around the cities."

1 comment:

  1. Great to see this, thanks for sharing! KAS is so important, thanks for getting the word out.
