May 08, 2010

Introducing... a new line of gamer pendants!

I've been gaming for a long time.... and about 6-7 years ago I started playing my very first MMORPG (massively multi-player online role playing game).  Started with EverQuest and then ended up playing World of Warcraft for 5ish years.
It is very common for gamers to say things like.. "LOL, OMG, WTF, TMI, <3, HAX" etc etc...

So why not combine my love for gaming with my love of glass art.

Here's the first in my new line of gamer pendants:

These can also be made into magnets or zipper pulls... for all you non jewelry wearing people out there. ;)

So if you'd like one custom made, shoot me a message with what (up to three) letters you want and the color of glass (opaque only). The decals come in black only so make sure it's not too dark of a color.

I will be listing more of these pendants in my Etsy shop so keep an eye out!


  1. I would simply looove one that had "WTF" on red. Those are awesome, Amy! What a terrific idea!!

  2. Okay, seriously? That really irks me. Stinkin' Google. If Joel logs onto his Gmail, then I have to log him out in order to log onto my Blogger account. So he was logged on and I didn't realize it. *sigh*'s not -Joel- that wants that; it's me.

  3. Hahaha! These are so UBER! I'm tempted to get one that says "PWN"

    ps: if you don't mind text-based games, try GemstoneIV at RP atmosphere

  4. Awesome idea Mommalicious! <3
